
A Comprehensive Guide to the Five Card Tarot Spread

A Comprehensive Guide to the Five Card Tarot Spread

Tarot cards have been used for centuries to aid divination purposes and self-discovery. As a result, there is a belief that the Five Card Spread is one of the most popular and versatile spreads employed in tarot readings.

Step 1 Gather Your Materials

Tarot cards have been used for centuries to aid divination purposes and self-discovery. As a result, there is a belief that the Five Card Spread is one of the most popular and versatile spreads employed in tarot readings.

Step 2  Clear Your Mind and Set Your Intent

Before you begin reading, you must relax your mind and establish your goal. That can be accomplished with meditation, mindfulness, or any other form of self-care that helps you focus and relax. Then, when you’re relaxed and calm, you can declare your intent or ask a question and read it aloud.

Step 3  Shuffle and Cut the Deck

Then, shake your Tarot deck, and divide the deck into three piles. Please select the highest cards from every pile, and place them together in an order beginning from left. The cards you choose will form the basis of your research.

The Five Card Spread Positions

The spread of five cards has been divided into five distinct locations, each representing an aspect of your question or idea.

Position 1 The Present

The first card reflects the current scenario or the spirit of the subject or objective you established at the beginning of the reading. The card can provide insight into the obstacles or challenges you will encounter and the resources and tools at your disposal to overcome the challenges.

Position 2  The Past

The third card is the previous events that led to the present situation. This card may reveal the source of any problem or issue you may be facing, along with any patterns or themes that have been apparent throughout your lifetime.

Position 3 The Future

The third card indicates likely future results of the event or the actions to take to communicate your thoughts. The third card could provide direction and guidance regarding the best way to proceed.

Position 4 The Self

The fourth card concerns the querent and your present situation. This card will highlight your strengths and weaknesses and how you deal with the situation.

Position 5 The Outcome

The fifth card could be the outcome of the incident. But, on the other hand, the fifth card may bring closure and resolve.